Friday, July 25, 2014


 7/25/2013 I lost the most influential woman in my life, My Mema, Mary Elizabeth Kayser.  It seems like only yesterday we were all gathered in her bedroom and witnessed the smile on her face as she opened her eyes one last time and took her last breath on earth.  I will never forget that moment or the impact she made on us all.  For those friends/family who were not able to be there, here are the words I spoke at her service:

Mother, Mom, Momma, Grandma, Aunt Mary, Maw-Mer
and most famous, "Mema"...Today, we celebrate YOU!
I've thought about this day for awhile now, even though I told myself this day would never come.  Now that it's here, I can't imagine my life without you in it.  The next few days, weeks, months...even years will be hard on all of us.  Everyone will have memories to look back on, some stories passed down through the generations, some still fresh on our minds that will make us and yes, even cry.  These are just a few of mine.

Traveling from Texas to Missouri and back again as a little girl sitting on your lap the whole way.  Mom would tell me to get off and let you rest and you'd say "Jewel, leave that baby alone, she's not hurting anything."  Spending the night with you and how you'd wash my face up before bed.  I wash my face now and think back to those memories and just smile.

Mema, for 36 years you have been a constant in my life.  I have always shared a special bond with you so it's only fitting we became roommates many years later.  I will never forget all the times you sat up talking to me and helping me through whatever obstacle I was going through or just talking to me about the good ole days...rolling each other's hair and cooking meals together.

That's something I think all of us will remember...You ALWAYS had time for your family.  Whether it was day or night, your door and phone line was always open.  Your heart was so big and you didn't care how much we messed up.  You loved and accepted us.  You were the true definition of unconditional love.
I appreciate all those times you let me in after midnight because you didn't want to leave the screen unlocked.  No matter how many times I got aggravated at you FOR locking it, that's something I really missed when I moved out, was having you always there to let me in and talk to me no matter what.
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be...
That song has always reminded me of you and the wisdom you gave me.  You have taught me so much about life and I am forever grateful for that.  You taught me about God not only in words but you lead by example in your everyday life.  The 7 yrs I lived with you plus the countless times I stayed with you over the years there was never a night you didn't pray for all of us, I know this because many of those nights I would lie awake and listen to you.  All of us wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for that.  You taught me to always hold my head up high no matter what people may say or do to me.  You said to treat others as God you would want to be treated, regardless of how they treated you.
As I was writing this the memories kept flowing out...I'm sure this will happened for the rest of my life and I will pass these memories onto my own family someday and just smile knowing where they came from.

You've always been the strongest person I know but now I AM and that's all because of you.  Thank you for being such a blessing in my life.  I love you and can't wait til I see you again...

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