Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Wait

Did you ever have a dream in your heart that wasn't yet fulfilled? Maybe the timing wasn't right or you just weren't spiritually where you needed to be?
Whatever the case may be, "He who begins a good work in you is faithful to complete it." [Philippians 1:6] That doesn't mean that what you desire matches up to His plan, but God has your best interest at heart and His plan is always better! All we have to do is put our trust in Him. Sometimes that's easier said than done, especially when it doesn't seem possible or in the past things have failed...but remember, because of God, ALL things are possible.[Luke 1:37]   We just have to be patient and open to the things He has for us.
Patience is a whole 'nother ballgame.  Especially when you have been waiting for a long time.  You keep hearing from others that it will happen in His time and how special that person will be if you just wait.  I've learned waiting for your spouse is a lot like waiting for pot of water to start boiling.  It is better to occupy your time doing other things while you're waiting for the water to boil/God to bring that person into your life. 
Who knows, maybe he/she is already in your life?  But just because you think you're ready, doesn't mean God does or maybe it's that other person that isn't quite ready.  My point, God's timing is perfect.  We have to trust that all that stuff will come when the time is right.
It's hard, especially during this time of year. Trust me, I know...the holiday season is rough.
People will include you in on their holiday festivities sometimes, and although, that's nice, it just isn't the same.  And then there are other nights when you just wish you had an invitation anywhere in lieu of being alone.  The holidays are a time for families, and when you're single, that can get you down.  But don't let it. I've been reading this book (God Loves The Single, Too) and there was something that I read the other day that I never thought about.

"Did you ever stop to think why Jesus lived a single life?  He was human as well as divine; He could have had a wife and children the same as any man. It would have seemed very natural for God, who created the home, to let Jesus establish a model home, be the model husband and father to show the world how to run a perfect home. The answer, of course, is obviously that Jesus had a goal in life, a job to accomplish which could best be done without the responsibilities of a wife and children. His life on earth was brief, and His duties were eternal in scope. He put His all into His life and because He did, you and I can accept Him as the Savior and Lord of our life, and He will give us eternal glory.  Surely there were times in His life, as when He was in the garden praying to God to "let this cup pass, if it is Your will," that Jesus would have changed some state of His life on earth. But I'm also sure He never let His mind dwell on such thoughts because He knew it woudn't serve any good purpose. Jesus merely accepted the fact that God could use Him best unmarried. There was no anger or resentment in Jesus' prayer to have his death pass from him---only commitment and complete trust that whatever God chose for Him, He would make a blessing out of it, for Him, and for those around Him."

Reading that passage made me realize that I am not alone.  Jesus knows the desires of my heart and knows what it's like to be lonely too.  But despite all those things, He waited and trusted God's timing. 
I'm not saying you'll never get married, only God knows that. What I AM saying is...that maybe you're single/single again, because, just maybe, He has something magnificent planned that you couldn't do if you weren't where you are right now?  If so, why not trust Him for that?
During this season of our lives, hold tight to your dreams but delight yourself in Him.  [Psalm 37:4] Be content exactly where you are at...Completely trust you're where God wants you to be...Occupy your time doing other things such as serving/being a light to others while waiting for His perfect timing to be revealed...And also, be thankful and accept those holiday invitations!!  :o)
Be Blessed,

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