Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Today while cleaning out emails, I got to thinking about the JUNK folder.  Ya know, the place where strange, unwanted email goes...the stuff we DON'T want to see.  Well about once a week, I usually  skim through these to see if something important went there by mistake which happens occasionally.
I am appalled at the items I see in my junk folder!  Sometimes just advertisements of someone wanting you to buy something, but also a lot of sinful things.  Things placed there to tempt us.  Here's where the lightbulb went off...
The HEART is similar to the INBOX and the JUNK folder is a lot like SIN.  Sin sometimes seeps in and tries to ruin our lives.  We try to avoid it so we put it in a folder and try to forget it but we're human and sometimes we foolishly open and entertain it.  The junk [hate, lust, gossip, unforgiveness etc] then gets inside us and contaminates our hearts much like a virus does to a computer. 
Just like sin, junk is inevitable. We are not immune to sin, however, we are in control of what we allow into our lives.  Temptations will come, sometimes looking so appealing we don't even recognize what's happening.  That's where JESUS comes in.  He died for our sins...He represents the DELETE button and erases all the junk/sin so our email/hearts can be free again! 
So don't let the junk hold you back from the life God has for you.  Forget the past and let Jesus heal your heart!  Lean onto Him when things just don't make sense and He will see you through the storms.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."

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