Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hakuna Matata

In Swahili, Hakuna Matata simply means "there isn't a problem/trouble."  That's the topic for my blog today...

Ya see, life can be running real smooth, everything is GREAT...and then BAM!  Worry sets in.  Something negative or not the norm can swoop in, steal your joy and spread like wildfire.  Your perfectly good day can go sour in a matter of seconds! 

That's the enemy.  He's sly like that.  The enemy's sole purpose is to STEAL your happiness, KILL your joy and DESTROY any confidence you might have had. [John 10:10] His goal is to make you feel so alone and defeated that you turn your back on God.  I mean, afterall, God wouldn't let these bad things happen to us, right?

I'm going to be really transparent right now.  I am the worst at worrying.  I over think everything and because of that, sometimes I make really poor decisions when I know better.  
I guess that is a part of human nature, however, making mistakes comes with a price.  Once you surrender to Him though, everything suddenly gets put into perspective.  For me, it makes me sick and physically hurt now when I mess up.  It hurts me so much when I know I disappointed God. This is how I recognize I am growing closer in my faith because I didn't always feel like that.  

Before, I was only afraid of getting punished by my parents etc. Now, I am more concerned with how my actions affect others, how my sin hurts God's feelings and the knowledge that I've disappointed Him, hurts ME.

Despite all of that, I STILL sin.  But you know what, despite my sin, my God still loves me.  
I think that is something that's finally sinking in

No matter what.  No one will ever love you like He does!  So instead of beating yourself up over something you've done or didn't do, hand it to God and leave it.  Because worry is not of God.   

You are though...  
You are a child of God that died for your sins so you don't have to beat yourself up or worry anymore.

He loves you...
~Hakuna Matata~