Sunday, March 15, 2015

What are you waiting for?!

I saw this sign over the weekend and it gave me a chuckle because well, I tend to laugh about a lot of random things. At the time, I was thinking..."Yeah, what you waiting for?" Surely not talking to myself...instead, being a bit of a smart-aleck about something else. Then a little afterthought/voice went off in my head... "YOU." 

Yep. Me. (explosion sound) 

Anyways, the words on that sign can mean a lot of things to a lot of people... 
Why haven't you applied for that new job? 
Why haven't you gotten serious about your health? 
Why are you procrastinating by reading this blog? lol Seriously, it can mean ANYTHING...But in that particular moment, God basically slapped me in the face with brutal honesty. "You."  

God is waiting on ME. Now, maybe you're reading this and thinking "Wow, I thought Crystal was a Christian...She's always serving at church and "preaching" on social media and she seems to have it all together..." Well, first of all, we ALL have stuff. Actually, if I'm being honest, the closer I get to Him...the more "stuff" the enemy throws at me. Every stinkin' day. It's a definite struggle once you make that jump. But I can tell you it's all worth it.   

I AM a Woman of God. 
I DO serve in many areas of my church. 
I DO post a lot of Christian related things that I will not apologize for by the way... 
But I certainly DO NOT have it all together. This little afterthought/voice I heard today? Basically tells me I have so much more to learn and let sink in. 

Do you know that we are the most important thing to God? All He wants is our time. He is a jealous God though and He doesn't want us doing anything that jeopardizes our relationship with Him. So why do we run?
Because we're HUMAN.
Because sometimes it hurts when God gets real.

Because sometimes we get caught up in "stuff." 
Because our emotions and our flesh...what WE want instead of what GOD wants, sometimes seems more important. But it's not. God wants only the best for us.  What could be more important than that? 

So, back to the sign... 
What am I waiting for? 
What are YOU waiting for? 
What are WE waiting for? 

We know exactly where God is. He is consistent. Even when it feels like we're alone, God is there. 
God is waiting on us.