Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Just sitting here reflecting on my life this time last year.  Spiritually, I was well on my way, but emotionally, my heart was still stuck in the past.  God has blessed me so much in these past 5 yrs and has straight up changed me.  He reawakened my soul and put that hunger back in my heart that before was just dead inside.  This hunger guided me in the arms of a wonderful church family and put me in the path of some amazing people.
I hadn't been in church for over a year when I found Journey because of past hurts and before that it was hit and miss as my family never really found a church home once we moved to MO (from TX) when I was 8yrs old.
God put me there for a reason though as a few months later, I lost my job of almost 6 yrs.  I got caught up in old emotions over someone who was no good for me and turned to alcohol and partying because it was better to be out with him and our friends than at home watching my finances crumble due to unemployment.  I did the church walk every Sunday, but continued the party life 2-4 nights a week. The person I was becoming, was not who I was nor wanted to be but I couldn't stop.
I am not sure why I continued going to church, considering, but I did.  Then one day someone ask me to serve in the Info Center and I totally surprised myself when I heard the words "yes" come out of my mouth.  When I began serving, I was introduced to a wonderful lady named Beth, who had been going through some struggles in life herself.  Unlike me though, she was very strong in her faith and was always so positive about everything despite what was going on.  Something I admired very much and wanted for myself.  Eventually, I began to make even more friends and started attending the women's events and even started serving as a leader in the youth ministry.  I still would go out with friends but eventually, I was so busy with church activities that I didn't have time for the bars anymore nor had the desire to be around it.  Some friends didn't get it and disappeared, some followed suit to see what it was all about and some thought I fell off my rocker and continued to love me anyways. 
In the past 5 years I have been through the ringer.  But God makes NO mistakes.  Because of my church, the peace God has put in my heart, and the people He has placed around me...I have overcome every obstacle I've been confronted with.  My ideas about life, relationships etc has changed.  I often hear myself talking or better yet, read the stuff I have written and I'm like...."Who Are You?!" LOL Because the woman I see now is nowhere near who I used to be and the things that I have in my life now I can't imagine my life without.
My heart is no longer stuck in my past.  It is on fire and focused on my future!!  I am so excited to see what God has planned!!  Slowly but surely His plan is being revealed!  I still serve alongside Beth in the Info Center, I returned to working with the youth ministry again and I now serve in media which I LOVE because I'm kind've a nerd when it comes to music and technology!  8-)
My prayer life has grown and God has continuously rocked my world with all the many blessings He has given me:  Forgiveness...Grace...Love....Hope...a 2nd chance.  He can give you all of this too,  You just have to ask Him!!
I am a living  testimony that "He makes ALL things New!!" That is an understatement.  I am so overwhelmed by His love and I cannot wait to see what's in store!